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Other Machine Co Rebrands to “Bantam Tools”

Other Machine Company (OMC) makes desktop CNC machines with professional reliability and precision at an affordable price. Their machine and software products can handle a huge variety of materials and output parts that are of finished quality with very precise and accurate features. One of their products, OtherMill Pro, is portable, so it can fit on a desk or in a small office. To use it, no training is required and no machine shop is needed. These products allow product development managers to empower their engineers to focus, move as fast as possible, and beat the competition by having products that have been more thoroughly iterated on by the time they get to production and to market. All of their desktop CNC machines are clean, safe, and easy to use, making them a great choice for any classroom or lab.

Other Machine Company came to NameStormers in need of rebranding itself. The current name was confusing, didn’t really convey anything about what the company does or its vision, and was often shortened to the acronym, “OMC”. “Other” was also used in their current product names (e.g., OtherMill Pro, OtherPlan) so it was likely that those names would need to be replaced too (hopefully with more intuitive and easier-to-understand names). Using a Masterbrand strategy would allow the new company name to precede the more descriptive product names, allowing all of the brand-building dollars to be focused on building a single brand. The new brand name needed to reflect the power, efficacy, and efficiency of the machines while also conveying safety and ease of use.

The NameStormers team took time to truly understand the OMC business, the issue with their current name, and what they were hoping for through the naming process. After a few rounds of trademark prescreened names, Other Machine Company enthusiastically decided upon the new name “Bantam Tools”. A bantam is a small breed of chicken, where the male is noted for its power. Bantam is also a reference to a bantamweight class in sports like MMA & boxing which led to messaging like this:

“Our machines are easy to set up, work as expected right out of the box, and like our namesake, the Bantam rooster, punch above their weight class, allowing you to stay ahead of schedule and under budget no matter what project you’re working on.”

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