From “Everheart Systems” to Corvion

The Need

For decades doctors, patients, and caregivers have advocated for a fully implantable, wireless LVAD, but no one was able to develop a workable solution, until now. Everheart Systems believed that it was time to develop a system that is vastly superior to existing devices, improving the quality of life of end-stage heart failure patients. Everheart Systems knew that with this incredibly innovative technology, a corporate name change would be needed. When naming something as specific and important as an LVAD technology, it was imperative to understand the differentiating proprietary factors of this new, cutting edge LVAD technology.
This new LVAD has a highly efficient implantable rotary blood pump that’s 3X more efficient than competitors coupled with a robust and flexible transcutaneous (through the skin) charging technology. There is no percutaneous driveline, the implanted power source is small, recharging is wireless and easy to use, and all components are smaller and lighter than alternatives. These revolutionary advancements will potentially help to lower a patient’s risk of infection and stroke and improve their ability to move and sleep as well as bathe and swim.

The Name

To differentiate EverHeart’s products and mission from others in the mechanical circulatory assist device field and better reflect the company’s focus on high efficiency and wireless solutions for patients needing cardiac support, the NameStormers team coined the name, “Corvion”. “Cor” relates to the heart, the central part of the body, while the ending “ion” relates to being small but extremely powerful. In addition to its inherent meaning, the name conveys expertise, strength, integrity, and trustworthiness, while being short and easy to say.

The Result

Corvion is eager to make their new technology available to doctors and patients and is currently working with the FDA to quickly and efficiently address topics as they arise during product development and testing.
Read more about the launch of Corvion here.