Our friends north of the border love to both honor and poke fun at the royal family, including Prince William. Gas King enlisted NameStormers help in creating Williwa, the royal identity for its newest frozen beverage.
In celebration of its 25th birthday, Gas King is giving away free Williwas, a delightfully tasty, frozen carbonated beverage over the Victoria Day weekend.
Every product Gas King launches helps drive business to the Alberta area. As a local business, it has acquired gas stations, car washes, and convenient stores – the latter of which is where Williwas are available. Literally translated, “williwaw” means “Antarctic squall” – fitting to anyone who has ever experienced brain-freeze as a byproduct of this delicious drink.
NameStormers worked with Gas King to understand its corporate strategy and the customer for its new beverage. The name needed to be short, fit in the royal vein with Gas King’s other products, and convey tangible attributes of the drink (cold and icy). Williwa accomplished all this, and likely will incite enough curiosity to get locals peering through the door, trying the first one for free and then gladly paying for more – but not through the nose.