Backup Power You Can Always Rely On
Sevin Rosen Funds helps finance start-up companies. Ben Rosen needed a name for a new turbogeneration company. The new company would be making turbines that serve as back-up to electric power systems for hospitals and other facilities that couldn’t afford a blip in power. The turbines come online immediately if there is a loss of electricity to ensure continuous energy.
The name “Capstone” was chosen because it started with a “C” like Compaq and many of the other Sevin Rosen start-up investments. Also Capstone is defined as a “crowning achievement, point, element, or event.” It sounded solid and stable. Perfect for a company that would be building potentially lifesaving equipment.
Today, “Capstone Turbine Corporation® is the world’s leading producer of low-emission microturbine systems, and was first to market with commercially viable air bearing turbine technology. The company has shipped thousands of Capstone turbines to customers worldwide. These award-winning systems have logged millions of documented runtime operating hours.”